The rice absorbs the chicken juices as it cooks, adding loads of flavour. It’s like cooking the rice with a homemade stock!

Chicken and rice recipe

This chicken and rice recipe has been a reader favourite for so long, I thought it was about time I updated it with a much improved video and photos! Readers tell me they love it because:

it’s a one pan dinner – the raw rice and chicken are cooked together at the same time; completely hands off – unlike cooking rice on the stove which requires more attention, you just put the pan in the oven, set the timer and walk away; quick to prepare – active prep time is under 10 minutes; and it’s very, very delicious!

The chicken is ultra tasty….but the star of this recipe is the garlic butter rice! So here’s what you get in this chicken and rice recipe – juicy seasoned chicken….

…. AND fluffy rice. GARLIC BUTTER rice, at that!

(And PS, to all the fellow rice snobs out there – this rice is fluffy and perfectly cooked, not soggy and mushy like you’d expect. The trick is to pour HOT liquids over the uncooked rice – gives it a big head start in the oven!)

What you need for this baked Chicken and Rice

Here’s what you need:

Skin on, bone in chicken thighs is best for this recipe because they take the same length of time to cook in the oven as the rice – 50 minutes in total. However, we remove the skin because otherwise the fat drips down into the rice as it cooks which makes it overly greasy. It’s easy – it’s effortless and takes 5 seconds flat per chicken.

Uncooked white rice – any “normal” white rice will work just fine here (plain, long grain, short grain, Jasmin, basmati). Steer clear of speciality rices like paella or risotto rice – they cook differently in the oven. Brown rice just needs more liquid and to be cooked a bit longer – directions are in the recipe; Chicken seasoning – feel free to use any seasoning you’ve got on hand, pre mixed, or switch up the spices I’ve used; Butter, garlic & onion flavour base – this forms the flavour base for the rice and because this recipe is all about convenience, we “oven saute” them – fancy word for just throw it all in a pan and bake instead of sautéing on the stove! See photos below and the quick recipe video.

How to make chicken and rice in the oven

And here’s how to make it. The first 2 steps shown below is the “oven sautéing” of the onion and garlic referred to above. This is what gives the rice the amazing buttery garlic flavour!

The rice is outrageously good. It’s buttery and garlicky, it’s tender but not mushy (I’m of Japanese background, all Asians are snobs when it comes to rice). It’s got all the flavour from the juices of the chicken and you get crispy bits on the edges that I just want to pick off and have all to myself!

What to serve with chicken and rice

Add a big leafy salad on the side with a salad dressing of choice (Balsamic Dressing and Honey Mustard Dressing are on heavy rotation in my life these days). Or add some steamed vegetables and toss with a salad dressing while hot – they’ll suck up the dressing and make otherwise rather dull steamed vegetables infinitely more interesting! Oh – and in the video, you’ll see this 4 Minute Gravy as a suggested extra. You don’t need a sauce for this because the rice is so well flavoured and the chicken is juicy. But if you have the time, gravy will take it over the top! Dinner just got real easy. Enjoy! – Nagi xx

Watch how to make it

Oven Baked Chicken and Rice recipe video!

Oven Baked Chicken and Rice originally published March 2019, updated April 2020 with improved photos, videos and step photos added. No change to recipe – I wouldn’t dare, readers love it as is!

Life of Dozer

He was squinting, so I lent him my sunglasses 😂

And flashback to the original publication date of this recipe, back when Dozer was recovering from a knee operation: Caved and splurged on a ramp – got tired of heaving a 40kg/80lb dog in and out of the car multiple times a day…..

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