Whenever I go to the Asian grocery store, I have a list of pantry essentials that I regularly stock up on and wonton wrappers are always on the list. They freeze really well and not only are they great for making….ummm, well, wontons…..they are actually really versatile to use for other bite size goodies. I’ve used them for mini triangles, faux mini cannoli and most commonly, to make little cups for sweet and savoury fillings. “You can make a whole tray of these in just over 15 minutes. Start to finish.” I’ve previously shared my Caesar Salad Wonton Cups which is one example of a savoury treat you can make with wonton cups. And these mini Apple Pies are an example of a sweet treat. These can be made using a frozen pastry instead of wonton wrappers. The big difference is that you save yourself the time cutting out pastry rounds because the wonton wrappers are the perfect size for making cups using muffin trays. They only take 10 to 15 minutes to bake golden brown and crispy (with the help of a quick spray of oil) and while it is baking, you can make the pie filling which makes these little treats you can make in just over 15 minutes, start to finish. (Tip: To make these even faster, you can use canned Apple Pie filling).

“These are great make ahead. The wonton cups stay fresh for days and the filling and cream can be made the day before.” The other great thing about these little treats is that you can prepare all the elements in advance and assemble it just prior to serving. The wonton cups can be stored for a couple of days in an airtight container, and the Apple Pie Filling can be made the day before, as can the cream. To assemble, all you have to do is reheat the Apple Pie Filling in the microwave until warm (not hot), then scoop it into the cups and top with cream. I was inspired to make Apple Pie because my friend Meggan from Culinary Hill has been on a mission to create the ultimate Apple Pie. While I empathise, hearing about her trials and tribulations to create the perfect Apple Pie, it’s also the reason why I know I can trust recipes I get from her blog. Meggan, we appreciate your efforts and can’t wait to see your Apple Pie! Oh, and before I forget, each of these little beauties are only 140 calories. But I don’t want to promote how low cal these are because there is no way anyone will stop at just one! – Nagi   SaveSave

Mini Apple Pie Wonton Cups - 20Mini Apple Pie Wonton Cups - 63Mini Apple Pie Wonton Cups - 26