Lentil and Roasted Eggplant Salad

I feel like this eggplant salad is unleashing my Ottolenghi within. Except (dare I say it!) this calls for a heck of a lot less ingredients, they are all “normal” things and you won’t just make this once and be exhausted, you will make it over and over again. (Also, you’re getting this recipe for free – his cookbooks are rather expensive!!) So what makes this lentil salad so good?

Lentils cooked in an aromatic broth to infuse with flavour Eggplant roasted so they’re plump and meltingly tender inside, caramelised on the outside It’s all tossed in a lemony garlicky dressing It’s meaty, it’s satisfying, it’s interesting It keeps well!

Oh – and it’s just downright tasty. Of course! That’s why I went to the effort of photographing / filming / writing it up!!😉

What you need to make the tasty lentils!

Here’s what you need to make bland boring lentils ultra tasty – and I exaggerate not when I say you’ll be eating it straight out of the pot! (Well, colander 😂). Use green lentils, brown lentils or French/puy lentils for this recipe. Dried is best because they will absorb the flavoured broth as they cook, but I’ve popped directions in the recipe for using canned as well.

The roasted eggplant

Here’s all you need to make the roasted eggplant. I actually shared the recipe for roasted eggplant separately about 10 minutes ago (being that knowing how to roast eggplant so they’re plump and juicy inside and caramelised on the outside is a handy thing in life because nobody wants to serve up a tray of mushy eggplant or dry shrivelled up ones at that), thinking I’d link through to this recipe. But no, that’s inconvenient for YOU. 😂 So I’ve written how to roast the eggplant in this recipe too!

And the salad stuff (plus dressing)

And here’s the other “stuff” that goes into the eggplant salad and the garlic lemon dressing. As regular readers know, I always like my substantial salads to have some sort of little treat, whether it’s a sprinkling of nuts or pomegranate or parmesan. Today, it’s feta!

How to make this lentil eggplant salad

And here’s how to make this salad. It dawned on me as I was writing out the recipe that it looks like there’s a lot of steps and lots of ingredients. But it really isn’t a tricky or lengthy recipe. Actually, it flows quite nicely – while the eggplant and lentils are cooking, make the dressing and get the salad add ins ready, then it all comes together.

The eggplant really is the star here…not that I want to talk down the lentils (because they likely will be some of the tastiest quick ‘n easy braised lentils you’ve ever had), but just LOOK at the eggplant! Plump, juicy and caramelised rather than a pile of mush or shrivelled up disaster!

How to serve this Eggplant Salad

This is a mighty salad that deserves to be served as a main. It should serve 4 normal adults, or 3 with very hearty appetites. A side of crusty bread would certainly fill it out (hot, with lashings of butter!). Or try it with flatbreads – tear bits off and stuff with this salad! But it’s also a sensational side, a good one to take somewhere when you’re relegated to bringing “just” a side salad (I’ve sulked about this before and it’s been the catalyst for previous Show Off Salads like this Apple Salad, Asian-style Quinoa Salad or Honey-Cinnamon Pumpkin Lentil Salad). Not only because it’s something different and it looks impressive when you pile it up high on a plate, but also because unlike most salads, it keeps very well even once dressed and it’s terrific either warm OR at room temp (I honestly can’t say which is better). Which also makes it really good for a work lunch. I’m not sure that your work colleagues will be overly jealous when you tell them you’re having eggplant salad. But that’s ok. That your lunch trumps theirs can be our little secret. 😉 – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

More big, satisfying main course salads

Life of Dozer

When he spent the day with the boarder and I met her at the dog park for handover – the pretty young one on top is Priscilla – Dozer’s the old face squeezing under her! He’s so pushy.

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