Loaded with terrific flavours and colour, this Corn Dip is made with corn, peppers, garlic, onion, jalapeño, green onions, cream cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise. And my little secret for the best Hot Corn Dip you’ll ever have is to sauté the corn until golden – it makes the flavour extra amazing!!


This hot corn dip may well be the highest and best use of corn. It was certainly the first dip to go at a gathering I took this to. I made a double batch and thought there was no chance that it would all go (ok ok, I was secretly hoping) but the dish was scraped clean. I think my friends were subconsciously watching out for me and my bottom. 😂


I like making this Hot Corn Dip because it’s a little different to the usual suspects. Nobody ever turned me down when I showed up with a Bacon Dip or everybody’s favourite Spinach Artichoke Dip, and I often get requests for this old school 2 minute French Onion Dip made with packet French Onion Soup Mix (it’s the only way it can be done!). Corn Dip isn’t at the forefront of people’s minds so it’s something a little different, and no one can resist it. Well, let’s be real. Golden corn, cream cheese, more cheese. It’s pretty hard to go wrong!


Hot Corn Dip can be made with canned, frozen or fresh corn. If you want to make it extra special, make the effort to use fresh corn because it browns better when sautéed. And that, my friends, is the secret that makes this the best Corn Dip you’ll ever have!! I mean, even steamed corn is delicious. But when you sauté it until golden, that’s corn in another stratosphere. Something magical happens. It intensifies the corn flavour, the sugar caramelises. So imagine all that amazingness mixed into a creamy, bubbly, cheese Corn Dip!!!

In addition to the corn, we’ve got all sorts of other flavourings in this. Red and green capsicum / peppers, garlic and onion which is sautéed in butter. Canned green chillies (I love the smokiness it adds!), jalapeño for a subtle kick (totally optional), and green onion for some freshness. For the creaminess, I like to use a combination of cream cheese, sour cream and mayonnaise. I find that this combination provides the best texture (dippable without chips breaking but not too loose) and flavour (thanks to the mayo!).


Here’s a quick tip to stop the corn kernels flying everywhere when you cut it off the cob: either use a bundt pan or a ramekin in a bowl, stand the corn on it then cut the kernels off. The kernels will fall into the bowl our bundt pan.

I contemplated adding bacon into this. But you know what? It doesn’t need it. The corn really carries it, and you’ve got all sorts of other flavours happening in this dip too. Bacon would add even more flavour but it will also mean you will taste less of what’s already in this and might possibly even overpower it. And it would be such a shame to overpower the gorgeous corn flavour. Whether you make this with fresh, frozen or canned corn, this Hot Corn Dip is still going to be an absolute ripper! Serve it with corn chips, crackers or even vegetable sticks! – Nagi x



You can’t imagine the stench coming off him. Dozer needs deodorant…. 😈

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