Mashed white beans. A great accidental discovery! The first time I made a variation of it was when I was making a bruschetta platter (being a spread with a pile of toasted garlicky bread and bowls of various bruschetta toppings for guests to help themselves). Then one day I had a serious urge for a pile of mash to accompany a fish dinner but simply didn’t have the energy to peel, cut, boil and mash potatoes so I reached for a can of cannellini beans instead – and wonders of wonders, it was sensational! It is ridiculously easy – little more than opening a can of beans and simmering in a little stock. It goes wonderfully with fish, beef and chicken so is a great side to have for those fast mid week meals. I made this mash as a side for my Healthy Parmesan Garlic Crumbed Fish to make a complete meal in 15 minutes.

WP Recipe Maker #26406  

Garlic White Bean Mash In A Flash - 84Garlic White Bean Mash In A Flash - 51Garlic White Bean Mash In A Flash - 26