Use it to make giant pastrami sandwiches on rye, or Reuben sandwiches!

Homemade Pastrami recipe

If Katz’s Deli isn’t my first stop when I land in New York, it’s my second or third stop – and probably only because I had a prior dinner commitment. Yes, I’m that obsessed with pastrami sandwiches. Let’s be clear about one thing here – this is not a pastrami sandwich as many people know them here in Australia. The pastrami piled high in these sandwiches are light years away from the cold, slippery cuts we get over the counter at delis. The pastrami you get at Jewish delis in the States is tender, juicy, fall apart and loaded with that wonderful earthy spice flavours of the pastrami crust with the obligatory black pepper kick. It’s outrageously good. OUTRAGEOUSLY!!

I have searched high and low, but the sad fact is that there is simply nowhere in Sydney that has pastrami that is anywhere near Katz’s. So I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my own pastrami. Real pastrami is smoked for days. Days, my friends. I’ve read that the Katz’s smoker is the size of an apartment. Pastrami is serious business! Mine is a somewhat more achievable home version – made in the slow cooker or pressure cooker.

How do I make pastrami? (The easy way!)

Start with store bought corned beef* Make our own homemade pastrami spice mix which is made with everyday spices and loads of cracked pepper Coat beef in Spice mix, wrap in foil Slow cook or pressure cook until tender. Cool for ease of slicing before baking briefly just to seal the crust, then slice thinly, and pile high on rye bread.

  • Corned Beef is beef that’s been brined, either brisket or silverside beef cuts. An economical cut sold in the fresh meat section of supermarkets. It’s called Salt Beef or Pickled Salt Beef in the UK. Here are the spices you need for pastrami. You can buy coarsely ground cracked pepper but it’s better to grind your own if you can.

Is it as good as Katz’s? No. And no homemade version ever will be. But it is so darn good. So SO good. A billion times better than the stuff you buy over the counter at everyday delis. This pastrami that money can’t buy – certainly here in Australia at least, except at speciality stalls at some weekend markets. So when you need a pastrami or Reuben sandwich fix, this will go a long way to curb your craving – until your next trip back to NYC! – Nagi x PS If you’d like to try your hand at a real pastrami made in a smoker, I recommend this one from my friend Kevin at Kevin is Cooking.

How to make a Pastrami sandwich

Lightly toasted dark rye bread slathered with butter then mustard then piled high with lots of thinly sliced homemade pastrami. Melted cheese is optional (mandatory in my books!).

More Burgers, Sliders and Sandwiches

Use the pastrami to make epic Reuben Sandwiches! A big, juicy Hamburger recipe Steak Sandwich – super quick Chicken Burger – juicy seasoned chicken breast steak with the lot! Nando’s Peri Peri Chicken Burger – chicken marinated in a homemade flavour bomb Peri Peri sauce BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders and Sloppy Joes! Cubanos – The famous Cuban roast pork sandwich from The Chef movie Veggie Burger – Meatless made amazing. Puts those doughy bricks at the shops to shame! Browse all Burgers and Sandwiches & Sliders recipes



Nobody wants Dozer on their team for a game of Jenga…


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