A sweet, impressive crowd pleasing dessert option – and just 47 CALORIES per piece!

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

How many times have you slaved away on a dessert only to find that:

people are too full to have more than a tiny slice; friends who declare they’re on a diet (and we all know that January is all about NYE resolutions to be healthier!); or doesn’t suit certain dietary requirements?

And thus the reason why Chocolate Covered Strawberries frequently make an appearance at my gatherings – and here’s why:

They are the ultimate quick 3 ingredient dessert Easy to make vast quantities Bite size – No matter how full you are, you can always fit in one of these. For the health conscious – just 47 calories each, gluten free No need for plates Not overly heavy dessert – a little hit of sweet indulgence combined with juicy freshness.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries are the ultimate quick 3 ingredient dessert!

I’m also one of those people who tends to get swept up in the frenzy of the savoury part of menus, leaving dessert as an after thought. Habit from my youth, I think. Dessert was never a big deal in my family. In fact, we never had dessert for every day meals. Dessert only ever made an appearance on special occasions – probably a handful of times every year. And even today, I can’t kick the habit. I know some people make dessert the priority. I envy those who are inspired to make towering creations, so pretty they are like art. Me, I’m all about the savoury part, then I’m scrambling to make the dessert. Hence why Chocolate Covered Strawberries are probably the most made sweet treat in my repertoire. Really.❤️

Aren’t they just so pretty?? I just love them!

Chocolate Covered Strawberries – TIPS

Chocolate Covered Strawberries aren’t hard to make but I do have two little tips: You probably don’t need it, but I’ve made a little recipe video – it’s below the recipe. 🙂 Oh! And of course, get as creative as you want with the coatings! I did some crushed nuts and coconut (they taste like lamingtons!). Happy weekend! – Nagi xx

3 Ingredient Desserts

3 ingredient Peanut Butter Chocolate Bars 3 ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies 1 ingredient Dulce de Leche – Slow Cooker Caramel Parmesan Shortbread Biscuit (3 ingredients) Classic Scones – and faster Lemonade Scones – both 3 ingredients!

Chocolate Covered Strawberries



Why does this look so familiar?? Oh right. It’s a scene out of JAWS.

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