More chicken stew recipe options: Faster Chicken Quick Stew (using bite size chicken pieces), Coq au Vin and Chicken Fricasée (creamy French Chicken Stew, reader favourite!).

Chicken Stew – with crispy skin!

Anyone else here not a fan of slimy chicken skin?? I don’t care how long it’s been slow cooked. And whether it’s a stew, in soup or Hainanese chicken. No chicken skin comes near my mouth unless it’s crispy or caramelised. When my mother reads this, I know she’s going to roll her eyes and think”she’s so childish!!” I don’t care. I love crispy skin. I want crispy skin. Give me all the crispy skin!!! 😂

Slow cooked in the oven for crispy skin!

Because I’m so anti-slimy chicken skin, I like to make my Chicken Stew in the oven rather than on the stove. And unless someone knows a magic trick, the only way to get crispy skin for a stew is in the oven. Cook it covered for part of the time, then uncover it to let the sauce thicken, make the chicken flesh super tender, the surface of the veggies and edges of the stew caramelise, and – most importantly in my world – to get that chicken skin super crispy! Try my speedier Chicken Stew – made with boneless chicken thighs, this is on the table in an hour but tastes like it’s been cooking all day!

OK, I think I’ve babbled on enough about the chicken skin. Let me move on. Under the crispy skin -> tender flesh. Smothering the crispy skin -> thick savoury gravy sauce. Around the crispy skin -> tender soft vegetables. 😇😇😇

I’m lucky enough to have a big, shallow casserole pot / dutch oven which is absolutely perfect for these kind of stews that go from stove to oven. But if you don’t have one, don’t worry, just tip it all into a baking pan before popping it into the oven. And – confession time. The reason I cropped out most of the bowl in the photo below is because I ate the chicken before I took this photo. The side you can’t see just has bones, picked completely clean. I couldn’t resist! Don’t judge me! 😂 – Nagi x

More Stews

Faster Chicken Stew – when you need a rich stew on the table in under an hour! Classic Beef Stew – fall apart beef in a deep rich sauce Irish Beef and Guinness Stew – an incredible dark, rich sauce with incomparable flavour Slow Cooked Beef Stroganoff – fall apart beef in a creamy Stroganoff sauce! Braised Beef Short Ribs in Red Wine Sauce – truly exceptional, restaurant quality! Browse all Stew recipes

Classic dinners we’ll love forever

Meatloaf – a family favourite forever and ever! Spaghetti Bolognese Beef Pot Roast Beef Stroganoff Ultra Tender Roast Pork with Crispy Crackling

Chicken Stew

Watch how to make it

Originally published May 2018. Updated for housekeeping matters – no change to recipe.

Life of Dozer

Flashback to May 2018 when this recipe was first published when he tore his ACL and had to have a knee operation. Shaved rump, permanent “help me up” harness, and trapped in a play pen for weeks. Adding a Cone of Shame was just rubbing salt into the wound, isn’t it? I told him not to scratch the stitches. I warned him about the cone. He did not obey!!😂 Happy to report he is back to normal, chasing birds, leaping off jetties and generally living the high life!❤️ N x

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