Serve as a potato side for dinner. Breakfast with eggs. Party food bites. So many possibilities!

Mini Potato Gratin Stacks (Dauphinoise)

All you need to know is that these Mini Potato Gratin Stacks are cheesy, creamy and ridiculously irresistible. I mean, let’s be blunt. Potatoes + cheese + cream + garlic + butter. BAM! That’s a home run right there! Actually, they’re a mini version of French Potato Gratin / Dauphinoise. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – everything is better in mini form, not just because it’s cute. But because you get the whole thing to yourself. Right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Besides not having to share, making these in mini form means you get nice golden cheesy edges on each piece which might be my favourite part. No golden edges when you make Dauphinoise the usual way!

What you need to make Mini Potato Gratin Stacks

Here’s what you need to make these:

Potatoes – Use starchy or all-rounder ones so they become fluffy when cooked and absorb flavour. Sebago (the common dirt brushed potatoes in Australia), Russet (US), Dutch creams, King Edwards and red delight are all ideal. If you use waxy potatoes, the layers sort of slip apart when you cut into them.Shape – Opt for long thin ones so you have less offcuts when trimmed into a cylinder shape to cut slices that fit the muffin thin.Cheese – Gruyere and Swiss cheese are my favourites here, for their melting quality and flavour. Any cheese that melts will work just fine – cheddar, Colby, tasty cheese. I tend not to use mozzarella because it doesn’t have as much salt / flavour as other cheese but you can if you wish.Shredded and sliced – I find it best to use slices of cheese between the potato layers and shredded cheese on top.Cream – Thickened / heavy cream works best because it’s thicker so it pools on the layers better.Garlic – For flavour, to infuse the cream sauce.Thyme – Classic herb flavouring for Dauphinoise.

How to make Mini Potato Gratin Stacks

Assembling each gratin stack does take a little more effort than making one big bubbly Dauphinoise for sharing. But it’s worth it – especially for the golden cheesy edges that you never get when you make one big gratin bake!! If you use waxy potatoes, the layers sort of slip apart when you cut into them. Shape – Opt for long thin ones so you have less offcuts when trimmed into a cylinder shape to cut slices that fit the muffin thin. Shredded and sliced – I find it best to use slices of cheese between the potato layers and shredded cheese on top.

1. Cutting the potato slices

Now, we’re ready to assemble!

2. Assembling the gratin stacks

3. Bake!

Then drizzle the remaining cream over each stack.

What to serve with Mini Potato Gratin Stacks

You will want to eat them straight out of the oven, and they are certainly tasty enough to do so! But actually, they are intended to be a side dish. I tend to pull these out for special occasions when we want a side dish that’s a bit special. Think, holidays and celebratory gatherings, alongside things such as:

a standing rib roastthe most glorious buttery, herby, garlicky roast chickenthe roast pork of your dreams (because it’s completely encased in crackling)a grand Thanksgiving Turkey (brined is the only way!)a big juicy steakhouse steak

If you make these for just-a-usual-midweek-dinner, I wish I was you. I could eat these everyday and never tire of them. There’s a reason my nickname was Potato Girl when I was growing up!! – Nagi x

Watch how to make it

Originally published September 2015. Updated November 2021 with improved recipe, new instructional photos and better video. SaveSave

Life of Dozer

Happy to help with the washing up….! This is how I deal with dishes on big recipe development days for the cookbook – pile them into tubs to keep them out of the way then do giant loads at a time. The amount of dirty pots and pans we generate on big cook days is pretty phenomenal…!!! SaveSave SaveSave

Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 20Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 58Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 8Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 84Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 50Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 94Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 43Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 90Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 81Cheesy Mini Potato Gratin Stacks  Muffin Tin  - 51